2 1/2 Form Entry?
Gayhurst is a two-and-a-half form entry school.
The local authority has decided that there should be 75 children in each year group. The school hasn’t chosen this intake and it means that we have to manage having a half class of 15 children in each year group. We manage this by providing an additional Reception teacher and classroom, so that there are three classes of 25 each, and then by having a mixed-age class in every two year phase of the school.
From September 2022, there will be a move towards a 2 form entry. This will begin with a reduction in roll to 60 children in Reception from 75. Continuing each year, until 2028, when there will be 60 children in each year group from Reception to Year 6.
Every class in Gayhurst has a rich mix of talents and abilities and mixed-age classes are the same to others in terms of the range of ability. Having this arrangement also means that children are re-grouped within the classes in their year group every year. It is very likely that all 75 children would have been in a class with all the other children in that cohort by the time they leave school.
The re-grouping process involves teachers, leaders and the inclusion team. The groups are determined by reviewing each individual child. Careful consideration is given to classroom dynamics, ensuring a balance of gender, ethnicity and SEND is met for each class. The groups are not determined by ability. It is possible for a child to be placed in a mixed class more than once, or not at all.
The school uses a two-year rolling programme of curriculum topics so that children in a mixed class will not repeat anything they have already covered. Teachers differentiate work to meet the needs of the children in the class.