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Homework & Book Bags

Reading and Book Bags

All children at Gayhurst are given a named zip-lock book bag which contains their yellow home school reading book and a book. The yellow home school reading book has a sticker on the front that tells you which days your child needs to have their book back in school.

We all know that if children read at home, they are more likely to be successful learners at school. At Gayhurst, we encourage children, parents, and carers to read every day and supply parents and carers with information sheets about how to best support your child at home. We always welcome feedback about your child’s reading experiences at home so please do use the yellow home school reading books to communicate with us.

Challenge Card Homework

Homework challenge cards are issued every half-term with a red homework book. Over the course of the half-term, children need to choose a minimum of 3 homework challenge tasks to complete and hand into their class teacher by the deadline. If children want to complete more than this, they are very welcome to do so. We encourage children to pick at least one task from each subject area but the choice is down to the children.

The homework challenge tasks are designed to be practical and creative. Parents and carers are asked to use the red homework books to record what children have completed during the half-term. Adults that support the work done at home are free to write confirmations of work that is done or comments to the teacher in the homework books if they wish.


Children are given weekly spellings at their own level and are given time in school to learn them. We keep spelling books in school so that we  don’t have any lost books or missed weeks of spellings.

All the spellings are uploaded onto this page of the school website so you can see your child’s spelling and support your child at home. We put stickers on the front of each child’s yellow home school reading book to tell you which set of spellings your child is doing.