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LEAP Governing Body

In June 2017 Gayhurst, Kingsmead and Mandeville schools became a three school federation with one governing body across the three schools. The governing body and our three schools work in partnership to ensure outstanding outcomes for all the children of our schools and beyond.

The governing body are mostly volunteers, meeting regularly and working closely with the Executive Headteacher and the LEAP senior leadership team to help the schools develop successfully and to promote high standards of educational achievement.

The governing body is made up of the school’s Executive Headteacher, Local Authority governors and co-opted governors, elected parents and elected staff members.  Together, our primary concern is for the welfare of the schools as a whole and we operate within a standard Code of Conduct for those involved in aspects of public life.

Gill Brady (Chair)
Local Authority 

                     Ian Mullaney                                       Co-opted

Louise Nichols
     Executive Head  

Candice Berzins
Parent Governor

Sophie Lejeune

Sami Tatar
Co-opted (Vice Chair)

Khadija Adewusi


Anna Schabel

Kaltum Yusuf
Staff Governor

Indigo Ellis

Koen Van Lieshout

Lizzie Thorne
Parent Governor


Shanielle Shrouder

The Chair of Governors, Gillian Brady, is a Local Authority governor who is a School Improvement Advisor. The Vice Chair of Governors is Sami Tatar. Below is a list of all the Governors.

Membership of the Governing Body*



 Appointed by

 Louise Nichols

 Exec Head Gov


 Ian Mullaney



Gillian Brady - Chair

 LA Governor


Sophie Lejeune



Lizzie Thorne

 Parent Governor


Anna Schabel



Candice Berzins

Parent Governor


Sami Tatar - Vice Chair 



Kaltum Yusuf

Staff Governor


Khadija Adewusi



Indigo Ellis



Koen Van Lieshout



Shanielle Shrouder



Evelyn Deeney  Associate GB
Karen Pedro  Associate GB
Marc Thompson  Associate GB
Cyrilene Malcolm  Associate GB

Clerk to governing body and committees: Susan Moyse

*Full details of the Governing body membership can be found on the page titled: Governing Body Structure and Register of Interests

What do we do?

The responsibilities of the governors include:

  • Setting strategic direction, objectives and targets for the school    
  • Reviewing progress against the budget, plans and targets    
  • Approving the school budget    
  • Acting as ‘critical friends’ to senior school staff, to both support and challenge as appropriate
  • Appointing the head teacher
  • Developing and reviewing school policies

Across all three schools, each year of the school has been allocated a ‘link governor’. That governor will liaise closely with the children and teachers to follow in more detail the development of that year group as they progress through the school. 


The newly federated governing body consists of three committees made up of the wider governing body as listed here:

Finance, Premises & Personnel

Curriculum & Inclusion


Voting Members: 

  1. Louise Nichols
  2. Gillian Brady 
  3. Ian Mullaney
  4. Anna Schabel
  5. Sami Tatar (Chair)
  6. Indigo Ellis
  7. Lizzie Thorne
  8. Shanielle Shrouder

Voting Members:

  1. Sophie Lejeune (temp Chair)
  2. Gillian Brady
  3. Ian Mullaney
  4. Kaltum Yusuf
  5. Khadija Adewusi
  6. Koen Van Lieshout

Voting Members:

  1. Ian Mullaney (Chair)
  2. Louise Nichols
  3. Gillian Brady
  4. Kaltum Yusuf
  5. Shanielle Shrouder

Associate Governors:

  •  Cyrilene Malcolm

 Associate Governors:

  •  Karen Pedro
  •  Evelyn Deeney
  •  Marc Thompson

Associate Governors:

  •  Karen Pedro
  •  Evelyn Deeney
  •  Marc Thompson

Link governor responsibilities are listed below:

  • Safeguarding and Mental Health and Wellbeing, SCR checks - Gillian Brady
  • Health & Safety / Premises - Sami Tatar/ Gill Brady
  • Special educational needs & disability (SEND) & Looked after children (LAC) – Ian Mullaney
  • Early Years / Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Sophie Lejeune
  • Creativity Champion - Khadija Adewusi
  • Pupil Premium grant (PPG) & Catch Up funding - Ian Mullaney
  • Reading and Writing - Gillian Brady
  • Maths - Kaltum Yusuf
  • Finance / SFVS - Sami Tatar/ Gill Brady
  • Governor Training - Shanielle Shrouder
How can you let us know what you think?

In any of the schools please send mail to us via the school office or email us at, or  with the subject line 'for the attention of the chair of governors'