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Latest News

Here you find some new stories from Gayhurst Primary School.

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  • 27/03/13

    Cross Country Champions again!

    Well done to our Cross Country team who have won this year's league.
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  • 20/01/13

    Playground Games workshop

    We recently invited the Small Earth Games Company in to school, to teach every class French skipping and games from around the world.  
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  • 17/12/12

    2012 Winter Concert at the Round Chapel

    The Round Chapel was filled with colour, song and exuberance at Friday’s Winter Concert.
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  • 06/12/12

    Winter Concert 2012

    We are busy  preparing for our amazing annual event, the Winter concert, which will be held at the Round Chapel on Friday 14th December from 1.30 - 3pm
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  • 24/11/12

    Jam Motion Crew visit Power to the Pupils

    Wow! Amazing breakdancers Jam Motion Crew came and showed the Power to the Pupils group some of their dance moves.
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  • 16/11/12

    Gayhurst's Resident Poet

    Joelle Taylor has joined Gayhurst as our Resident Poet and she'll be developing children's spoken and written work alongside class teachers every Friday.
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  • 06/10/12

    News & Events App now available

    Parents and carers can now get the latest news stories and calendar events that are added to our website straight to their iPhone or Android phone.  
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  • 21/09/12

    New Power to the Pupils group formed

    Pupils Have Power!Adults aren’t the only people who are talented, children are too! 
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  • 14/09/12

    African Drumming & Dance at Gayhurst

    Fridays are African Drumming and Dance days! Over the course of the year all classes from Reception to Year 6 will have an hours African Drumming and Dance lesson run by Miss Harley and Steve.
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  • 20/08/12

    Gayhurst Gets New Class Names

    Important information and documents about the School Closure can be found on the School Closure 2020 page in the Parents & Carers section of our website. Please click here
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  • 25/07/12

    Gayhurst's animation film Germinator

    Germinator, the animated film created by pupils from J3 in 2011 with artists Lizzy Hobbs and Emily Tracy, was nominated for an Audience Award at the First Light Awards held at the BFI earlier in 2012.
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