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Here you find some new stories from Gayhurst Primary School.

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  • 06/03/15

    Clean Air Day

     Wednesday 25th Feb was Clean Air Day at Gayhurst for years 3 to 6. Have a look at all the different activities that they were involved in during the day around this important issue .........
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  • 06/03/15

    Work Week's Challenge Day 2015

    As a whole school, we took part in an Enabling Enterprise Challenge Day to round off a fantastic Work Week! Find out more about the great team work that took place....
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  • 06/03/15

    Work Week 2015

    Gayhurst's Work Week 2015 was a fantastic success. Find out more about all the different professions and careers that the children learnt about.....
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  • 10/02/15

    4L's Animation

    Take a look at 4L's animation inspired by The Iron Man, which they've been studying in literacy.
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  • 06/02/15

    Athletics champions!

    A big congratulations to the sportshall athletics team who became  the borough champions at the recently held finals at Clapton Girls Academy.
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  • 06/02/15

    Year 5's trip to Science Museum

     5A and 5D visited the Science Museum this week. It was a fantastic trip which involved a session on forces led by a Science Museum explainer...
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  • 26/01/15

    Our new chef starts today

    We are delighted to announce that Gayhurst’s new chef Nicole Pisani is starting today
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  • 16/01/15

    Year 3's trip to Regents Canal

    On Wednesday 3A and 3M went on a trip to the Regents Canal as part of their IPC unit 'Our History'
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  • 03/01/15

    Winter Concert 2014

    Once again there was standing room only at the Round Chapel, for Gayhurst's Winter Concert . Every child in the school had a part in the performance which was featured on the front page of the Hackney Gazette.....
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  • 14/11/14

    Tower of London Poppies

    Pupils in classes 4J and 4L each made a poppy for their own display to commemorate soldiers who died in World War I, then they visited the ceramic poppies at the Tower of London.
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  • 30/10/14

    The Mystery of the Lost Lending Library

    On a wet and windy Monday a few weeks ago, Gayhurst children and staff were baffled to find that a strange bookshelf had mysteriously appeared......
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  • 12/09/14

    5A's Daytrip to a Hop Farm

    5A had a fantastic trip to a hop farm in Kent, to learn about the hop picking tradition where London families would spend the whole summer picking hops in the 1940s & 50s.
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