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Here you find some new stories from Gayhurst Primary School.

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  • 03/10/13

    Water Folk Trip

    Gayhurst pupils visit floating cinema to see Water Folk film which features their artwork.
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  • 20/09/13

    School Council Elections

    This week we held the  School Council Elections. We created a Polling Station for the event, and had Voting Cards which we posted in a Ballot Box.
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  • 06/08/13

    Visit to Dalston House

    At the very end of the Summer Term, class 3E visited the Dalston House art installation
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  • 04/08/13

    Power to the Pupils record Album

    Gayhurst has its own Hip-Hop Group - Power to the Pupils - who have written, recorded and designed an album  called 'Rising Stars' which they are now selling!
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  • 04/08/13

    Hackney Music Festival 2013

    At the end of July a number of Gayhurst pupils went to the Round Chapel to participate in the Hackney Music Festival
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  • 04/08/13

    School Council visit Parliament

     At the end of last term our School Council went to the Houses of Parliament...
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  • 04/08/13

    Playground Additions

    Find out more about the recent additions to our playgrounds: fantastic miniature replicas of London architectural landmarks for children to sit and climb on, and beautiful new murals designed by our Nursery and Reception classes.
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  • 04/07/13

    Bike Around The Borough

    Last week on Thursday 27th June a group of Gayhurst pupils took part in Bike Around The Borough, the mass  cycling event arranged by Hackney Council
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  • 04/07/13

    Slambassadors 2013

    The very exciting 2013 Hackney Teaching School  Alliance Slam took place on 21st June at the Round Chapel in Clapton.
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  • 11/06/13

    Class 3/4A to perform at Hackney Music Festival

    On Wednesday 10th July 2013, Class 3/4A will be performing at the Hackney Junior Music Festival, between 5 - 6.20pm at the Round Chapel.
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  • 12/05/13

    Gayhurst's Chicks

    Last week an incubator with 10 fertilised eggs arrived in the Reception area at Gayhurst.........
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  • 27/03/13

    The Captain's Table

    At lunchtime children from Reception up to Year 6, who follow all of our dining hall rules, have a chance to gain an invitation to eat at the Captain’s Table
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