Year 5's trip to Science Museum
5A and 5D visited the Science Museum this week. It was a fantastic trip which involved a session on forces led by a Science Museum explainer...
5A and 5D visited the Science Museum this week. It was a fantastic trip which involved a session on forces led by a Science Museum explainer. It was very entertaining with examples of gravity, air resistance, friction and magnetism. We all laughed a lot!
Then we went to the Launchpad which was packed with over 50 interactive experiments and lively demos, all from the wonderful world of physics. Here’s are some comments from pupils:
Mason 5D - ''In the Launchpad they have loads of things to play with - its very exciting''.
Eva 5A - ''There was lots to do, I really enjoyed it''
Alba 5A - “ I particularly liked where we learnt about how ice skaters spin and get faster as they do. We had a go and it was really fun.''
Maya 5A - ''The science museum is so fun - there’s lots to do - all the experiments were great”
Everyone agreed that it was an excellent trip.