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Attendance & Punctuality


A lot happens in a school day! If your child misses school unnecessarily they are missing out on learning, playing and their friends. Children should be at school, on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

Parents/carers should contact the school on the first day of a pupil’s absence. They should state the reason for their child’s absence and also the date on which they are expected to return to school.

Children should not be taken out of school during term time and every effort should be made to make appointments after school or during the school holiday periods. When this is not possible, you must apply in writing to the school explaining the situation and a decision will be made whether to authorise the absence or not.

Punctuality and Late Slips

Children should be in the school playground and in their class line by 9.00, ready for the start of the school day. It is important that your child arrives for school on time. Your child will miss out on valuable school time if they are late. The staff do their best to settle their class every morning, but the learning of the whole class is disrupted by late arrivals

If your child is not in school by 9.00am, they must sign in at the touch screen at the school front desk, giving a reason for their lateness. If your child is not in class on time, they may miss the register that is taken every morning. We need to know who is in the school for safety reasons, eg. emergency evacuations. Signing in when late enable us to do this.

Every time your child signs in as late it is recorded, and the total is added to your child’s Progress Report. If your child is late on several occasions you will receive a letter at the end of the half term. If there is no improvement in punctuality during the next term, then an appointment with the Deputy Headteacher will be made, to discuss your child's punctuality and the Education Attendance Service will be informed. This can result in a penalty notice and possible prosecution.