At Gayhurst we currently have two assemblies per week for each phase:
On Mondays we have the ‘Star Of The Week’ assembly where children are selected based on their hard work and the effort they have made through the previous week. Certificates and prizes are given to these children and their achievements are shared with the rest of their phases. Sometimes examples of their work are shown and each week their names are published in the school's newsletter. This assembly also has a theme which will focus on different areas across the year, such as British Values, being healthy and how to stay safe online.
On Thursdays Reception and Key Stage One and Key Stage Two have their own sharing assembly where they share an element of their current learning with the rest of the phase. Children embrace this opportunity to show examples of good work and enjoy being able to teach others something from their learning often using role play, costumes and props. Parents/carers are invited to these assemblies and they are always very well attended.