Health & Welfare
The health and welfare of the children is monitored closely. When children enter Reception classes they are given a medical examination by the school nurse, including sight, hearing, height and weight. Additional dental checks are carried out at regulary intervals. The school nurse visits regularly to conduct health assessment and invites parents along.
There are trained, qualified staff in school who will administer basic first aid if your child requires it - for example they will clean a graze or cut and provide a plaster. They will also assess a child who is feeling unwell and inform the office staff if a parent or carer needs to be called. School staff are not allowed to administer medication without parental instruction.
Medicine for your child
If your child needs to take medicine in school, please come to the office to fill out a form. We cannot give medicine to your child without this permission. The medicine will be kept in the office, and staff will supervise your child taking the medicine. This includes asthma pumps.
If your child has asthma, please make sure that they have their pump every day. Please also provide a spare pump, which will be kept securely in the classroom. Pumps should be labelled clearly. Children with medical needs, such as asthma, will have an Individual Health Care Plan. Please advise the school if there are any changes to your child's health which the school should know about.
Please be sure that the office has your up-to-date details: if your child is ill at school we need to let you know quickly. If you change your mobile phone you must let the school know by phoning the office or emailing
Head Lice
Unfortunately there are head lice in most schools. Please let us know if you find head lice in your child’s hair and we will send a note to the rest of the parents in the class reminding them to check for lice. Please do not feel ashamed or shocked – head lice will jump on any head!
Shampoos and lotions are available from chemists, but only work if all family members are treated at the same time. Your doctor may be able to prescribe the lotion. There are alternative and effective herbal remedies too.
Pastoral Care
We know that children cannot learn if they are unhappy or worried about anything and we place a high value on their well-being. All our staff members are sensitive to the emotional state of the children that they work with and will raise any concerns they have with colleagues so that children can be best supported. Parents are always involved in these discussions.
There are two Learning Mentors in the school, whose job is to support children in overcoming any barriers that they may have to learning. They work with groups of children and individual children, providing practical and emotional support.